All orders are gift wrapped!


Unfortunately buying any product has a cost to the environment.

Mass production and exploitation/exhaustion of natural resources has caused us to reach a critical point. We now need to acknowledge the consequence of the everyday choices we make and the impact they have on the environment.

We need to find alternatives to plastic, excessive packaging, buying single items via delivery and buying low quality goods that do not function or last.

Our sustainability mission is to reduce the environmental cost as far as possible by selecting good quality products from sustainable sources.

There are lots of ways we can make eco-friendly changes and reduce our carbon footprint. Changing the way we buy is one of them. Here are some reasons why buying eco-friendly products can be positive for you and the environment:

  • Better quality ingredients and materials that are usually safer, healthier and less toxic. Non-eco-friendly products alternatively use more chemicals.

  • Protects the environment.

  • Lower carbon emissions.

  • Reduces waste.

  • Can often be less expensive in the long run as products are generally made to last and therefore need replacing less frequently.

  • Reduces demand for mass produced, harmful products, processes and ingredients/materials.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes climate change. Basically, Trees absorb CO2 and produce oxygen, Trees that are harvested for cork are not cut down… The process of Harvesting cork bark assists in the absorption of CO2.  Furthermore, Harvested cork trees absorb 3-5 times more CO2 than non-harvested trees.

Cork oak trees in Portugal alone help offset 10 million tons of carbon every year.

Cork trees are also important producers of oxygen.

Plastic bottles are littered all over our planet; either in landfill or littered directly into our environment. These bottles will take thousands of years to break down and can harm our wildlife.

rPET is material made from recycled bottles. rPET has a lower carbon footprint and uses less energy to produce compared to new plastic. rPET does not require newly sourced materials. Buying rPET will reduce the demand for non-recycled / sustainable materials  and therefore protects are environment.

The Greenpeace ‘biggest ever household plastic count’ gave us some shocking statistics on the waste we produce in the UK alone;

‘UK households throw away approximately 96 billion pieces of plastic packaging a year.’

‘96 billion, works out at around 11 million pieces of plastic per hour, or 3,000 every second.’

The IPCC special report, reports on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C.

  • Human activities are the main cause of climate change.
  • The concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane, in the earth’s atmosphere, is directly linked to the average global temperature on Earth.
  • The concentration has been rising steadily, and mean global temperatures along with it, since the time of the Industrial Revolution.

We aim to...

Keep It Friendly.

We source products that are either eco-friendly, biodegradable or made from recycled materials that provide longevity, or are recyclable, or vegan or cruelty free.

Keep It Fresh.

We make sustainability a priority and continually review our suppliers and products to ensure we are using sustainable products/manufacturers.

Go the extra mile.

All orders come gift packaged in recyclable tissue paper and shredded paper, as a Thank you for shopping with sustainability in mind. 

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